A lifelong commitment to you and your family...

*Brian Ohler received an Honorable Discharge in 2013

Meet Brian
"Always There"
My family and I have called North Canaan home since the late 19th century. For over 20 years, I have committed my life to public service and community outreach. My willingness and compassion to serve others runs deep through my bloodlines. I am the proud grandson of the late Henry Pozzetta, former First Selectman and Tax Collector for the town of North Canaan, and the great-grandson of the late William Menser, a former Connecticut State Police Lieutenant and one of the last elected High Sheriffs of Litchfield County. During my 4 years of vocational education at the Oliver Wolcott Technical High School in Torrington, CT, I quickly became a voice and an advocate for my graduating class. My pathway through public service began in 2000 when I became a volunteer member of my hometown’s local fire and EMS departments. During the summer of 2001, between my junior and senior year of high school, I raised my right hand and was sworn into the Connecticut Army National Guard - United States Army Military Police Corps. Military service was a perfect fit for me, as I wanted to serve my country and remain committed to the safety and well-being of my beloved state and hometown.
For 12 years, my military service would take me all over the world. I volunteered for each of my three combat tours of duty overseas. First serving in Baghdad, Iraq from 2003 to 2004 and later serving in Mosul, Iraq from 2006 to 2007, when I returned to be part of the war's surge efforts. During these two combat tours, I served in every position within my unit and quickly became a squad leader, often times organizing and leading numerous combat support and national police mentoring missions. In 2011, I again felt the need to serve overseas. My third combat tour would position me as a member of a multi-service security force tasked with protecting multi-national Provincial Reconstruction Team; operating in the western part of Afghanistan near the border of Iran. After 12 years of faithful and continuous military service to my country, I received an honorable discharge when my enlistment ended in July of 2013.
Upon my return back home to North Canaan, I was eager to apply the knowledge and training that I had received from the United States Army to ensure the overall security and protection of others. Patriot Safety Group LLC was my first venture into the world of small business, as it was created to offer safety and security consultation to residents and business owners in the local tri state area. In the days that followed the tragic incident at Sandy Hook Elementary School I began reaching out to every Principal within the Region 1 School District. For the next 6 months, I spent hundreds of hours preparing a Physical Security Assessment for each individual school. Given the danger and sensitivity that was a result of that day I remained committed to the overall safety of every student and faculty member. I am honored to have served as a safety and security expert for the Region 1 School District, Region 7 School District, the New Milford Public School District, and the Marvelwood School. In 2019, realizing that there was an ever-present need to consult and educate both public and private organizations on the importance of operational readiness and emergency preparedness I transitioned my small business into a new venture called New England Quality Solutions LLC. The mission of New England Quality Solutions LLC. is to create a partnership with clients that is deeply rooted in mutual respect and mutual trust, one that ensures every home and workplace is safe and secure, free from risks, hazards, and all unforeseen operational liabilities.
My first attempt at attaining a college degree began way back in 2003 when I returned home from military basic training. I enrolled at Northwestern Community College in Winsted, CT. I only attended two classes before I was urgently shipped off to Iraq. In the fall of 2004, I enrolled at Eastern Connecticut State University. I had a strong passion for the study of social interpretation and interactions, and criminal policy, so it was fitting that I aimed my major towards Sociology and Criminal Justice. In 2005, my college career was again put on hold. I was activated to respond with the United States Army to New Orleans, LA. with an urgent mission to secure the city from the rampant looting in days that followed the devastation of Hurricane Katrina. With my second and third overseas combat deployments coming in the next few years, the college process had been very slow, but I was determined to graduate. In 2016 I finally received my associate degree in criminal justice from Northwestern Connecticut Community College. Fast forward to May of 2020, I virtually crossed the stage at University of New Haven as the very first bachelor’s degree recipient in the combined majors of Homeland Security and Emergency Management. Life had certainly come full circle. Without delay, due to my unwavering passion for continuing education, as of the spring of 2023 I've now received two master's degrees. My Master of Public Administration (MPA) degree was awarded from Sacred Heart University, and Master in Healthcare Administration (MHA) was awarded by the University of New Haven. I now counsel young adults, mothers and fathers, and veterans, on the struggles of achieving a college degree for those who start later in life. That offering has truly become one of the most rewarding gestures that I have taken on.
Most recently, I had the immense honor and privilege of serving as State Representative of Connecticut’s 64th House District. As the youngest State Representative to ever serve this expansive geographic area I worked tirelessly for every man, woman, child, non-profit organization, and businesses large and small. During my time in office, I was one of only a handful of freshman Representatives chosen to serve on the General Assembly’s Appropriations Committee, and the only freshman to chair a subcommittee within the broader Appropriations Committee. I also served on the Human Services Committee and the Public Safety Committee. I was a fighter, never giving up on my constituents and always being present. I am proud to have achieved a perfect voting attendance record in all of my legislative sessions. One of my greatest achievements was championing a bill that ensured all veterans receive proper mental health treatment and systematic care no matter what their discharge status may have been. This bill passed unanimously in the House and Senate and, after being signed by Gov. Malloy, Connecticut became the very first state in the nation to act on such a topic. These successful efforts were due to the unwavering partnership that I’ve established and cherished with the CT Department of Veterans Affairs, the VFW, the American Legion, AMVETS, the DAV, and the IAVA. I am also grateful to have been recognized as Legislator of the Year and a Legislative Champion by the Connecticut Farm Bureau in 2018, the Connecticut State Firefighters’ Association in 2017 and 2018, and the League of Conservation Voters in 2017. It was one of my life’s greatest honors to serve the over 25,000 people of the Northwest Corner of Connecticut.
Fast forward to present day, my beautiful fiancé and I, along with Sawyer, our golden retriever, and Frasier, our goldendoodle, enjoy our off time creating small hobbies on a rustic homestead located on Trescott Hill. Volunteering remains the bedrock of who we are, as it is a humbling reminder of the good that can be accomplished when we all work together. As Regional Director of Safety and Engineering for Hartford HealthCare for the past five years, I've witnessed my teams go through so many successes, changes and trials. For health care workers, negotiating the COVID-19 pandemic was a constant struggle, but our personal and professional resilience, and our commitment to our patients and each other, never wavered.
Running for First Selectman is a calling. Serving others is a commitment that can never be taken for granted, nor taken lightly. Some elected officials crave a fancy title or continuous self-recognition. To me, servant leadership has always been my guiding virtue. I believe, as chaotic and diverse as my life has been up until this point, it has provided me with the life experience, professional opportunities, and education that is necessary to lead North Canaan into its next chapter. Creating a local government that is accessible, accountable, equitable, and responsible; one that bridges divides, champions success, eliminates hardships, and invites continuous civil and cordial conversation, is priority number one.
Formal Education and Training
Master of Public Administration and Emergency Management
Sacred Heart University
Master of Healthcare Administration
University of New Haven
Bachelor of Science in Homeland Security and Emergency Management
University of New Haven
Associate of Science in Criminal Justice
Northwestern Connecticut Community College
National Incident Management System 29, 100, 200, 200a, 300, 400, 700, 800
Certified Emergency Medical Technician
Certified Firefighter, Fire Service Instructor, Fire Service Officer,
Hazardous Materials Technician, Incident Safety Officer
OSHA General Industry and Construction Standards Outreach Trainer
National Traffic Incident Management Trainer
U.S. Army Military Police Officer (Ret)
Published Letters to the Editor from Over the Years
As Rep. Brian Ohler’s first term and second session comes to an end, it is crystal clear that he has kept his word to be a champion for such social issues as equity and fairness for women and children and for consistent health provisions aimed at women’s health overall. He voted in favor of the highly publicized bill that set out to ensure women receive equal pay for equal work.
Most recently, he voted in favor of a bill that created safeguards, in the event that the ACA is repealed, that would preserve coverages for ambulatory services, emergency services, hospitalization, maternity and newborn care, mental health and substance use disorder services including behavioral health treatment, prescription drugs, rehabilitative services, laboratory services, chronic disease management and pediatric services.
Rep. Ohler’s actions speak for themselves. As a woman, a mother and a grandmother, I can’t thank him enough for keeping women’s health and preventative medicine a top priority.
Pamela H. Todd
Falls Village
Brian Ohler, as a member of one of Northwest Connecticut’s most industrious families, and an exceptionally dedicated state representative, should be re-elected. He has accomplished much! A 12-year veteran of the U.S. Army, having served three combat tours in Iraq and Afghanistan, he has been a volunteer firefighter and EMT for nearly 20 years.
Among his many accomplishments, he has supported common sense bi-partisan budgets, protected essential health care for women, helped pass laws permitting all veterans to receive mental health and education benefits, protected Meals on Wheels for seniors, championed solid environmental issues, improved state law for victims of domestic violence, reversed Gov. Dannel Malloy’s cuts to state funding for local schools and, most of all, fought to eliminate additional fees and surcharges on small businesses.
In conclusion, a vote to re-elect Brian Ohler is a balance and reinforcement of continued, representational stability for all residents of the 64th House District.
John and Susanne Funchion
We are very fortunate to have a representative like Brian Ohler in the 64th District. He represents us all, Republicans and Democrats, in an unpartisan manner.
Let no one say a bad word against this man or his credibility or his character. His service to his country and his community speaks for itself.
Bob Loucks
Former First Selectman
Brian Ohler, our state representative for the 64th District, has been a member of the Human Services Committee, which is dedicated to social responsibility. This is being aware of and caring for our friends, family, neighbors, and our community for their health, welfare and education.
To that end, Mr. Ohler has been involved with making sure our children can attend our state universities and community colleges, i.e., keeping them affordable. He continues to challenge university administration and professors on increased salaries and bonuses, which means increased fees/tuition and room and board for our college–bound young people.
In addition, he is involved with counselors and advocates at the Susan B. Anthony Project and Women’s Support Services, where they are working together to reform Connecticut’s dual arrest laws and thereby ensure that victims are empowered and confident enough to come forward and ask for help.
Yes, he supports all of us as he works diligently on school safety legislation, women’s issues, legislation capping the state’s expenses and working on cell service for those of us who live in a “dead zone,” as well as working across the aisle along with State Senator Craig Miner on state fiscal accountability.
We support the re-election of both Brian Ohler to the 64th District and Craig Miner to the 30th District.
Donald and Marie Barnum
Brian Ohler deserves re-election as our state representative in the House 64th District! I first met Brian in 2000 when I was a Connecticut State Police Sergeant assigned at Troop B in North Canaan. He was an Explorer at Troop B and all the feedback I received and my personal observations were that he was dedicated to his duties. The Explorers is for young people from ages 14 to 21 to gain experience working in the Police field. As an Explorer he was very mature, and responsible for his age.
I was not surprised at all when I heard he enlisted in the Connecticut National Guard in 2001 and served for 12 years. He volunteered for three one-year tours in the Middle East, because: “That’s Brian.” He has served his hometown as an EMT, firefighter, Board of Finance member and even a local business owner. Brian has come full circle, serving his town, country, and now his state of Connecticut as our state representative. Brian is a fiscal conservative, and he cares very deeply about helping all of us, especially the needy children, middle-class families, veterans and last but not least our senior citizens.
Since Brian is a life-long resident of the Northwest Hills he cares about our environment and living conditions. He has demonstrated these beliefs by the committees he’s on at the Capitol and way he votes on legislation. Brian’s assistance during the ice-jam disaster in Kent last winter was above and beyond the call of duty. His experience in EMS, military, and knowledge of Connecticut’s resources was truly a blessing.
When Brian ran in 2016, his campaign concentrated on what he wanted to do for Connecticut and the 64th District, and not what was going on in the 2016 presidential politics. When you hear candidates talking more about what’s going on in national politics and not what they would do here in Connecticut, BEWARE! They don’t have much to offer, and they are trying to distract you. We need Brian Ohler who has his eye on the ball regarding fixing Connecticut’s problems and making it a better place to live, work and enjoy.
Scott R. Harvey
Ohler Strong Advocate For Open Space
Meike Armstrong
Salisbury, CT
For the past two years, Rep. Brian M. Ohler, R-Canaan, our “homegrown boy,” has achieved stellar results as state representative for Connecticut’s 64th House District.
He serves on five legislative committees or subcommittees. At each meeting of the Conservation and Development Subcommittee, Brian voted to preserve open space. He has saved, as he says, “hundreds, if not thousands” of acres in Cornwall, Goshen, Kent, Salisbury and Sharon.
Brian also was instrumental in getting House Joint Resolution 35 passed in the final hours of the 2018 session. This is Constitutional Amendment Question 2, which voters will consider Nov. 6.
I asked Brian how he advocates the 2017 sustainable-development goals of the United Nations. His answer is that we must continue to seek out initiatives for wind, fuel cells, solar, thermal or nuclear energy, if we want to be free of fossil fuel. For New England, this is an opportunity foreseeable in several decades.
From the very beginning, Brian has participated in discussions surrounding the Cricket Valley Energy Plant in Dover, N.Y. These meetings are long, effective, intense and they produce results. Brian is at the forefront of fighting for the environmental survival and the flourishing of Northwest Connecticut.
Brian knows his district. He knows its people. He loves what he is doing. He is personable. He works every day on our behalf. Keep Brian in his seat and vote for him on Election Day. You will be glad you did.
I love all the notices our state House Rep. Brian Ohler (R-64) puts online about events taking place in our area. One that was of special interest to me was in April regarding the two-day dental clinic in Torrington held by the Mission of Mercy Dental Outreach Group, better known as MOMCT. This group serves the underserved and uninsured in Connecticut.
I went to this clinic and was given excellent care and advice. It was one of the most well-run events I have ever attended. I believe they helped over 800 people in those two days. If you’d like to know more about this group, you can google them at www.cdfo.org.
Again, thanks to Brian Ohler who does the utmost to keep us all informed of these valuable resources in our area.
Janet Lynn
What does it mean to agree? What does it mean to disagree? What does it mean to agree to disagree? None of that matters if we can’t be civil with those who may have an opposing opinion or a different perspective of a certain subject.
What I do know is that our state Rep. Brian Ohler is a natural born leader; he’s our leader. Growing up with Brian, enlisting in the military just a few years apart, I always looked up to him and still do today. Brian is one who listens intently, is always analyzing risks versus costs, and bases every one of his decisions on what is ultimately best for our communities.
Brian is a native of this area. He’s our hometown boy. You have no idea how much it means to the families of the Northwest Corner to know that our representative in Hartford was actually born and raised here, is a product of our local schools, and whose family and extended family literally helped build our small towns from their foundations on upward.
He went off to war, three separate times mind you, and thankfully he came back home to us. He never takes a single day for granted and neither should we. We should be so fortunate to have a leader with the level of compassion and dedication such as his. Seven days a week, Brian is out there, supporting our causes, visiting us and learning as much as he can about every issue that impacts us directly.
The levels of vile and political vitriol that have taken down even the most poised and unflappable of leaders have no bearing here in our small corner of the world. Brian Ohler is our state representative, and I am so pleased to know that he is representing my family in Hartford.
Derrick Caranci
U.S. Air Force (Ret.)
North Canaan